
Monday, January 18, 2010

Episode 30: All That Chas

What better way to start the new year then by getting acquainted with a new friend? Today we welcome Multiman Publishing's Chas Argent to the show. Though Chas joined MMP as a full time employee just recently, he is a well known spirit in the ASL realm. His love of the game along with his organizational skills, commitment, and attention to detail can only bode well for Advanced Squad Leader. Is this the re-dawning of the Age of ASL?

We're happy to have an hour of Chas time today to pick his brain about our favorite topic. This interview was recorded using Skype, which has great audio quality, but we didn't have the video running so there's no peek into his office, unfortunately. Dang! It would be like looking into Santa's workshop -- only BETTER.

Dig it!

Listen Now:

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