
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Episode 44: And the Winner Is...

This week saw the end of T2HS's Contest 2010 wherein we offered a chance to win a lovely print by well-known ASL artist Ken Smith. And the winner is . . . Whit Richardson!. The drawing was random, but Whit was heavily favored to win thanks to his nine -- NINE! -- submissions on our T2HS voice mail. You'll hear one of his entries here and we'll be playing other contestant's offerings over the next few shows. Congratulations, Whit! The first runner-up, Michael Decker, get's our second place prize, but since we already ate the last can of Who-hash, we'll have to come up with something else.

Also today we answer the question posed by Germans the world over, "Vas is in das box?" by happily revealing a new(er) offering from Bounding Fire Productions, "High Ground 2". It's big. It's beautiful. It's got MAPS. Its hills are alive with the sound of gun fire. Thank you, Sam Tyson of BFP for sending us this lovely pack for evaluation. Dave is holding on to it, but Jeff has visitation rights.

And since we are always so well organized over here at T2HS Studios, we also have a nice interview with the aforementioned Bounding Fire Productions, Mr. Sam Tyson. We caught up with Sam at ASLOK. Always a pleasure.

We also cover some listener mail (keep those letters coming!) and Dave goes all Grinchy in a Box Art Review that will shock you. Here's a little hint -- stink, Stank, STUNK!

This episode aches to be taken home by someone who will love it. For sure this delightful dalliance shouldn't end up on the Island of Misfit T2HS Episodes.

Dig it!

4:14 - Listener mail
14:30 - Contest 2010 results
22:30 - Box Art Review
28:45 - What's in the Box
41:30 - Interview with Sam Tyson

ASL Open 2011 in Chicago
Bounding Fire Productions
Ian Daglish
Infinity Journal
Udo Grebe Gamedesign
The C4 Corner Cutter

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