
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Episode 78: Vic's Visit

Dispatches from the Bunker is one of the longest running Advanced Squad Leader fanzines -- and it's still dispatching ASL goodness even as we speak. It's revered by players everywhere. Even the guys at MMP like it! But have you ever wondered just who is actually creating and dispatching those dispatches? Well, climb with us into the bunker as we interview the prolific ASL sage and master dispatcher, Mr. Vic Provost.

Vic Provost (on right, with the natty hat)
presenting Mark Evans with his plaque for
winning a mini-tourney at the Nor'Easter Tourney.

6:51 Letters
26:00 What Dave's Been Playing Lately
38:45 The Most Interesting ASLer in the World
41:45 Vic Provost Interview
1:22:15 Total Running Time

Dispatches From the Bunker Info

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